【例題と練習】TOEFL Integratedスピーキングタスク2

【例題と練習】TOEFL Integratedスピーキングタスク2

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TOEFL Integratedスピーキングタスク2の「例題と練習」を見ていきましょう。



例題で練習をする前に、TOEFL Integrated Speakingのタスク2の概要を確認しておこう。



  • キャンパス内のアナウンスメント
  • 生徒の手紙


参照: 【テンプレとストラクチャー】TOEFL Integratedスピーキング


それではTOEFL Integrated Speakingのタスク2の例題を使用して練習していきましょう。



There is not enough housing for the large number of freshman university students. As an answer to this problem, we can take the lounges and study areas located in the main campus dorms and turn them into “triples”, rooms to house 3 students. This idea will be an answer to the shortage of available rooms. These converted rooms will have the same features as the other dorm rooms. This includes furniture like desks and bookshelves. And since these spaces are large areas, they will be plenty big enough and comfortable for the students.

問: The woman expresses her opinion about the proposal in the student’s letter. State her opinion and explain the reasons she gives for that opinion. You have 60 seconds.


Megan doesn’t like the idea of converting the lounges and study areas of the main university dorms into rooms to house 3 freshman students each. She thinks that students need quiet areas to get away from noisy roommates and also for reading. She says the location of these converted areas wouldn’t be the best for freshman. Since these areas are located at the corners of each floor, they are too far away from most other students, making the freshman year of dorm living not a typical experience. However, Megan does agree that if space is needed, these areas should be converted. But she wants to have sophomores volunteer because they already know the campus and they also have made friends.


Responding to the university’s green initiative campaign, the library is going to cut down the electricity consumption by implementing the following procedures. First, the lighting equipment will be upgraded to energy-efficient lighting. The work to replace the lighting equipment will start on September 12, 2017. Second, starting September 15, the current temperature is going to be set 5 degrees lower after 4 pm on weekend and weekdays.

問: The woman expresses her opinion about the announcement. State her opinion and explain the reasons that she gives for holding that opinion.


The girl thinks cutting down on the electricity consumption in the library is going to inconvenience her and the other students. In order to save energy, the school is upgrading the library with energy-efficient lights and lowering the temperature by five degrees. She thinks that the reason students study in the library is because they want a well-lit room with a comfortable temperature, so upgrading the lights and lowering the temperature might discourage students from studying there at all. Therefore, she thinks the school is actually going against its green initiative campaign by doing this, because these new changes will make students decide to study in their dorm rooms instead of traveling to study in the library, and if they do this, they will all end up consuming more energy instead of saving it which is, in fact, the whole purpose of this campaign.


The physics professor has created a new assignment. Each student is to select a single chapter that they need more study time on and submit the notes they have written. At the end of the semester, the notes will be returned to the students for their personal review. This project was created so that students could benefit from peer-reviewed notes allowing them not only the chance to explain the chapters to fellow students but also giving them a student’s perspective on the other chapters not chosen as well. This assignment was created so that every student has a chance to understand every chapter a little better by way of peer perception, therefore, allowing for a better and more thorough understanding of the text.

問: The woman expresses her opinion about the announcement. State her opinion and explain the reasons that she gives for holding that opinion.


The student does not agree with the method used for this assignment. The student is uncomfortable leaving the study material and notes up to their classmates. They also feel as they will not have enough time to review each of their fellow student’s notes and in turn, they think that there is a good possibility that it will affect their grade in a negative way. The student thinks that if the assignment goes through that students will not take the time to study on any chapter, and in turn will not be able to fully grasp all of the concepts taught within the chapters assigned for regular class study and reading. The student is in disagreement with this assignment and in turn, it should be sent for further review.



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