今回の記事では「TOEFL iBTライティングセクションの攻略方法」を例題付きで解説していきます。
今回はサンプルの問題も用いて、TOEFL iBTのライティングセクションの対策方法について紹介します。
前提条件1. 基礎的な語彙力の習得
前提条件2. 基礎的な文法力の習得
前提条件3. ライティングの採点基準を理解しよう
TOEFL IBTライティングセクションの対策方法
ライティングセクションは、スピーキングセクション同様に「Independent Task」と「Integrated Task」の2つのタスクに分かれています。
「Independent Task」は、質問に対して自分の意見を展開する形式。「Integrated Task」は、リーディング、リスニングの後に、要約文を書き出す形式です。
Independent Taskの対策方法
Independent Taskは、いわゆるエッセイ形式の問題です。質問に対して、自分の意見を論理的に表現することが求められます。
・主張に対して同意 / 反対を述べる形式
「Independent Task」のテーマは大きく3つに分かれます。いずれも解答の形式が変わるので、3つのアウトプットの型を覚える必要があります。
主張に対して同意 / 反対を述べる形式
いわゆる「Agree / Disagree」を展開する質問です。以下のような質問に対して自分の意見を展開していきます。
Do you agree or disagree with following statement?
“People should sometimes socialize with people who are not their friends.”
Use specific reasons and examples to support your idea.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of living in a large city versus living in a small town.
Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
What is the subject that a student should study in order to be successful in life?
Choose one subject and use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.
Independent Taskの解答の型
1. 主張のスタンスを決める
2. 論理展開のアウトラインを考える
3. ライティング
特に「2. 論理展開のアウトラインを考える」ことが重要です。
1. イントロダクション(50〜100字)
2. ボディ①(100〜200字)
3. ボディ②(100〜200字)
4. コンクルージョン(50〜100字)
Independent Taskの解答例
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
“Overall, the widespread use of the internet has a mostly positive effect on life in today’s world.”
Use specific reasons and examples to support your idea.
(イントロダクション) Most people agree that modern technology affects society in many different ways. In my opinion, access to the Internet is enormously beneficial to both individuals and communities as a whole. I feel this way for two reasons, which I will explore in the following essay.
(ボディ1)To begin with, online investigative reporting helps to expose political corruption and keep politicians honest. In the past, there were only a limited number of news outlets, which often had deep connections to powerful politicians. As a result, they were extremely hesitant to criticize them. These days, however, there are many independent publications on the Internet that are willing to expose political misbehavior. For example, an online magazine recently published a story revealing that the mayor of my hometown had taken bribes from a property developer. The report was so detailed and well-researched that the mayor had no choice but to resign. Although the evidence was not difficult to locate, only this independent website was willing to write about it. This example demonstrates how the Internet helps to strengthen democracy in the modern world.
(ボディ2)Secondly, people are more motivated than ever to become politically active because they can freely exchange ideas online. In countries all over the globe, people use social networking services to share their ideas and opinions. While in the past people might have thought that they were alone in their beliefs, today they realize that others share their ideas. My own experience demonstrates this concept. When I was a university student, I learned that a municipal park near my apartment was going to be demolished to make room for a massive parking lot. This bothered me a lot because I enjoyed spending my free time in the park. At first, I thought that there was nothing that I, as an individual, could do to stop this from happening. However, I later joined a Facebook group dedicated to opposing the plan. When the members of the group learned how many people in the city loved the park we were happy to get together and enthusiastically protest in front of the city hall until our voices were heard. I am convinced that finding each other on that social networking platform gave us the courage to actively protect our park.
(コンクルージョン)In conclusion, I strongly believe that the Internet has a positive effect on our lives. This is because online journalism strengthens our democracy and because social networking sites encourage people to be get involved in local politics.
Integrated Taskの対策方法
Independent Writingの概要:
文字数:150 – 225字
Itegrated Taskのサンプル問題
Integrated Taskも以下に、回答例を載せておきます。まずはリーディングのパッセージからです。
Speaking Through Social Media
The widespread phenomenon of mass communication through cell phones and the internet has spurred enormous controversy. Many believe that people have become less able to build bonds with friends and family members. It is impossible to deny that social media is constantly changing the way that people interact with one another. With the advent of new technologies that allow for non-simultaneous and distant interaction, people all over the world are now able to build relationships in a way that was formerly not possible. Some might say that this is a negative trend, but this new development opens up for unique and effective connections.
People often feel estranged in their surroundings. There are so many hobbies and interests that people enjoy, that it can be difficult to find someone who shares the same passions. Social media is of huge benefit to these people as they are empowered with the opportunity for connection to a wider community and countless resources. Some may have always wanted to learn more about a topic without having an avenue to jump in. Social media has proved itself to be effective in educating people of all ages on a variety of subjects ranging from rollerblading to string theory.
Moreover, the internet is especially helpful for helping people find a voice.
Whereas the first amendment protects our right to free speech, many people feel that they have lost their ability to be heard. Social media allows us all to find a new way to speak confidently and ensures that every person has the opportunity to be heard.
Describe the risks discussed in the lecture and explain how they relate to the purpose of the reading passage.
Integrated Taskの解答例
The lecture discouraged social networking by discussing how social networking has many risks. First, the lecture talks about how the internet can be used to steal or to bully people, including both adults and children. The second point is the main point, however, which explains statistics about how people trusted fewer people with important matters. This suggests that relying on the internet is causing people to be isolated and not spend as much time with people. Overall, the lecture suggests that social networking has too many risks and is leading our culture into a bad direction.
The lecture and reading passage have opposing views about the use of social media. The reading passage listed several positive qualities of using social media, such as how it helps people learn about hobbies and meet people with the same interests. It also encouraged social media use to help people find a voice. It says that people sometimes have a hard time finding people around them with the same interests, but that through social media, they can find friends.
The lecture and the reading passage both talk about the good and bad effects of social media. The two passages agree on almost nothing, except to be careful with new technology. Whereas the lecture focuses mainly on risks, the reading passage focuses on convincing the reader that the rewards outweigh the risks.
Integrated Taskは、リスニングの内容の要約が中心となります。