【テンプレとストラクチャー】TOEFL Independent スピーキング

【テンプレとストラクチャー】TOEFL Independent スピーキング

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TOEFL Independent スピーキングタスク1の「テンプレとストラクチャー」の攻略をしましょう。



TOEFL Independentスピーキングであるタスク1は5パターンの問があります。



  1. Agree or Disagree
  2. Preference
  3. If / Imaginary
  4. Description or Explanation
  5. Advantage and Disadvantage





Agree or Disagreeとテンプレ

タスク1頻出のAgree or Disagreeのテンプレとストラクチャーは以下です。

  1. I do agree/disagree that ___
  2. To begin with, ___
  3. In addition,
  4. Therefore, these reasons are why I agree/disagree that ___


Do you agree or disagree with the idea that watching sports programs on television is a waste of time?

I do disagree that watching a sports program on television is a waste of time for two reasons. To begin with, watching sports can help build relationships with your friends. By going through and experiencing the same emotions of another team and watching sports teams together, you build connections. In addition, sports are live events with real people, so you should support your sports teams. Each player on any team works hard each game and do that for their fans. If nobody watches their games, the sports would not exist. Therefore, these reasons are why I disagree that watching a sports program on television is a waste of time.



  1. To me, I prefer ___ to/over___for two main reasons.
  2. The first reason is ___
  3. The second reason is ___
  4. Therefore, these reasons are why I prefer to ___ rather than ___.



Do you prefer long-term trips or short-term trips? Use details and examples to support your explanation.

To me, I prefer to go on a short-term trip for two main reasons. The first reason is, I get homesick. I took a trip to Hawaii, which is a beautiful place to go and many people would say that they would never want to leave, but by the end of the 2 weeks, I started missing my friends and my home. The second reason is, I can save money. Your entire trip revolves around food and accommodations, so reducing the amount of time required for both during your trip, will reduce your total expenses. Therefore, these reasons are why I prefer to go on short-term trips.



  1. If I ___, I would ___.
  2. The first reason is ___
  3. The second reason is ___
  4. So for these two reasons, if ___, I would ___.


If you have money, would you prefer to buy a house or a business? Use details and examples to support your explanation.

If I had a small amount of money, I would save it. The first reason is I grew up in a family that prided themselves on having money in the bank, so it is easy for me to save money. The second reason is if there was an emergency and you would need some money. If you saved it, you would be ok. However, if you did not save it, you could be in trouble. In addition, it is more important to save money and pay off your debts, rather than waste your money on something useless. So for these two reasons, I would save a small amount of money.


Description or Explanationとテンプレ

Description or Explanation形式のテンプレと解答のストラクチャーは以下です。

  1. In my opinion, ___
  2. First of all, ___
  3. Furthermore, ___
  4. Therefore, I strongly/firmly believe that ___


Should college students be required to take at least one class in philosophy? Explain your answer.

In my opinion, it should not be a requirement that all college students take at least one philosophy class. First of all, not all college students are studying something in which philosophical thinking would be required. A dental student should spend their time focusing on more relevant content to their career field. Furthermore, philosophical thinking as it pertains to fields of study can be taught within the subject area rather than as a separate class. In studying to become a teacher a person can learn about educational philosophies rather than taking arbitrary philosophy that holds no relevance to their goals. Therefore, I strongly believe that philosophy should not be required, but perhaps only encouraged as it helps within a particular field.


Advantage and Disadvantageとテンプレ

Advantage and Disadvantage形式のテンプレと解答のストラクチャーは以下です。

  1. I believe that it is beneficial to ___, but there can also be some disadvantages.
  2. First, ___
  3. However, I believe that there are disadvantages as well. ___
  4. So, I believe that there are advantages and disadvantages to ___


Many students are asked to evaluate their professors at the end of the semester. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this?

I believe that it is beneficial to evaluate professors at the end of the semester, but there can also be some disadvantages. First, since superior staff can’t sit it on every class, they should take input from the students on how the class went. Students are likely to be honest in their reviews, so the professor can also learn from their mistakes. However, I believe that there are disadvantages as well. If a student knows that they will receive a failing grade, they may be dishonest in their review just to spite the professor. They may say that the professor wasn’t fair, even if that isn’t true. This can be hurtful to the professor and detrimental to their career. So, I believe that there are advantages and disadvantages to asking students to evaluate their professors at the end of the semester.



TOEFL Independent スピーキングタスク1の「 テンプレとストラクチャー」について理解できましたか?

次の記事: 【準備時間15秒の使い方】TOEFL Independentスピーキング







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