【TOEFL iBT対策】リーディングの攻略方法を例題付きで解説

【TOEFL IBT対策】リーディングの攻略方法を例題付きで解説

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今回はTOEFL iBTのリーディングセクションについて解説します。











  • 前提条件1:発音の習得
  • 前提条件2:基礎的な語彙力の習得
  • 前提条件3:基礎的な文法力の習得












前提条件2. 基礎的な語彙力の習得






前提条件3. 基礎的な英文法の習得





TOEFL IBTスピーキングパートの対策方法




問題形式1. 解釈を聞く問題


・In paragraph ~, what does the author imply about ….?
・What can be inferred from paragraph ~?


Ir has not been common at Earth’s surface since the very beginning of the planet’s history. Because it usually exists in a metallic state, it was preferentially incorporated in Earth’s core as the planet cooled and consolidated. Ir is found in high concentrations in some meteorites, in which the solar system’s original chemical composition is preserved. Even today, microscopic meteorites continually bombard Earth, falling on both land and sea. By measuring how many of these meteorites fall to Earth over a given period of time, scientists can estimate how long it might have taken to deposit the observed amount of Ir in the boundary clay. These calculations suggest that a period of about one million years would have been required. However, other reliable evidence suggests that the deposition of the boundary clay could not have taken one million years. So the unusually high concentration of Ir seems to require a special explanation.


Question: Paragraph implies that a special explanation of the Ir in the boundary clay is needed because…

A. the Ir in microscopic meteorites reaching Earth during the Cretaceous period would have been incorporated into Earth’s core
B. the Ir in the boundary clay was deposited much more than a million years ago
C. the concentration of Ir in the boundary clay is higher than in microscopic meteorites
D. the amount of Ir in the boundary clay is too great to have come from microscopic meteorites during the time the boundary clay was deposited





・The word —– in the passage is closest in meaning to…



The stone was promptly dispatched to Cairo’s Institute of Egypt for further study by Napoleon’s scholars, where it was christened ‘The Rosetta Stone’, for obvious reasons. Although it quickly became clear that the same message was indeed engraved in three different languages, only the bottom script, in Greek, could be read. The top script consisted of fourteen rows of hieroglyphics, followed by thirty-two rows of undecipherable Egyptian writing that were simply termed ‘demotic’.

Question: The word promptly in the passage is closest in meaning to…

A. purportedly
B. secretly
C. forcefully
D. hastily



問題形式3. 代名詞を聞く問題


・The word —– in paragraph ~ refers to…


Economic contact between Native Americans and Europeans can be traced back to the English and French fishermen off the coast of Canada in the 1500s. They traded guns and other weapons for beaver fur. The first explorers to trade with the Native Americans were Giovanni da Verrazano and Jacques Cartier in the 1520s and 1530s. In Verrazano’s book he notes, “If we wanted to trade with them for some of their things, they would come to the seashore on some rocks where the breakers were most violent while we remained on the little boat, and they sent us what they wanted to give on a rope, continually shouting to us not to approach the land.”

Question: The word ‘They’ in paragraph 3 refers to?

A. English and French fishermen
B. Beavers
C. Europeans
D.Traits and characteristics



問題形式4. 目的を聞く問題


・In paragrah ~, what was the author’s purpose of ~



While most of the major powers of western Europe spent the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries racing around the world carving out empires for themselves, Japan felt threatened by the influx of foreigners and ended up spending this period as one of the most reclusive nations on the planet. In the 1630s, a series of proclamations closed the country’s borders, marking the beginning of the period now known as sakoku (‘locking the country’) or sometimes kaikin (‘sea-restriction’). Non-Japanese-citizens were not permitted on Japanese soil; potential violators were warned that they would be subject to capital punishment. Only a small amount of trade with China, Korea, and the Netherlands was permitted, and the Dutch were restricted to Dejima, an artificial island in the harbor at Nagasaki. Nor were Japanese citizens allowed to leave Japan. Even the construction of long-range ships was illegal. These measures remained in place well into the 19th century.

Question: Why does the author mention that “the Dutch were restricted to Dejima”?

A. To provide evidence of Japan’s refusal to trade with other European countries
B. To note an example of another country which limited its own international interactions
C. To illustrate the severity of limits imposed by Japan’s isolationism
D. To elaborate on the importance of a particular Japanese island in the period of sakoku.



問題形式5. 詳細な情報を聞く問題


・According to paragraph ~, + 具体的な質問



Part of a passage: Finally, for fear to truly be a phobia, it must be recurring. That is, if the man on the plane had flown before without incident and continued to use planes after this one panic attack without experiencing further bouts of unreasonable fear, then he would not be said to be suffering from a phobia. A true aviophobia could never contemplate flying in any form without experiencing severe symptoms of acute nervousness. In this case, the man’s single onset of severe panic would most likely be viewed as symptomatic of some other mental disorder, perhaps brought on by unrelated stresses in his life. Obviously, the fact that phobias are recurring fears, or rather, that they involve constant fear of the object of the phobia, should not be taken to mean that the fear can never be overcome. A person who is suffering from a phobia may, either through the great effort of will or, more likely, through a course of psychiatric treatment, conquer his phobia and cease to be frightened of whatever it was he was formerly afraid of.

Question: According to the author, in paragraph 4, what might be one cause of a single instance of a phobic-like episode?

A. Seeing plane crashes on the news
B. Watching too much violent television
C. Possessing a desire for public attention
D. Having too much stress in one’s life



問題形式6. 例外を聞く問題


・All of the following are mentioned in paragraph ~ + 詳細な説明 + EXCEPT (NOT)…



Darwin’s theory is that ‘selective breeding’ occurs in nature as ‘natural selection’ is the engine behind evolution. Thus, the theory provides an excellent basis for understanding how organisms change over time. Nevertheless, it is just a theory and elusively difficult to prove. One of the major holes in Darwin’s theory revolves around “irreducibly complex systems.” An irreducibly complex system is known as a system where many different parts must all operate together. As a result, in the absence of one, the system as a whole collapses. Consequently, as modern technology improves, science can identify these “irreducibly complex systems” even at microscopic levels. These complex systems, if so inter-reliant, would be resistant to Darwin’s supposition of how evolution occurs. As Darwin himself admitted, “To suppose that the eye with all its inimitable contrivances for adjusting the focus for different distances, for admitting different amounts of light, and for the correction of spherical and chromatic aberration, could have been formed by natural selection, seems, I free confess, absurd in the highest degree.

Question: All of the following are mentioned in paragraph 4 as a viewpoint to state the natural selection is difficult to prove EXCEPT…

A. The belief that the complexity of the human eye could have been formed by natural selection seems highly unlikely
B. The presence of irreducibly complex system contradicts how evolution occurs
C. Modern microbiology proves that irreducibly complex systems exist
D. Selective breeding is the major hole in the theory of natural selection



問題形式7. 文章の解釈問題


・Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in paragraph ~?


Men are more likely to manifest recessive biological traits than women are because some traits are what scientists call X-linked. This means that the genes responsible for expressing the recessive trait are found only on the X chromosome. Men are much more likely to express these recessive traits, because the male genome consists of an X and a Y chromosome, whereas the female genome consists of two X chromosomes. If the male X chromosome contains many genes capable of expressing recessive traits, those genes will, therefore, be free to manifest themselves, as there will be no corresponding genes to interfere with them.

Question: Which of the following best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information….

A. The two X chromosomes in the female genome make women more likely to express recessive traits than men because the male genome has two different chromosomes.
B. The two different chromosomes in the male’s genetic make-up, instead of the same two chromosomes in the female genome, makes men likely to have more dominant traits than women.
C. Women are less likely than men to have recessive traits due to the differences between their genes.
D. The male genome is comprised of an X and a Y chromosome which allows recessive traits to be more readily found in men than in women as the female genome has two X chromosomes.



問題形式8. 文章の挿入問題


・In paragraph ~ of the passage, there is a missing sentence. The paragraph shows four letters (A, B, C, and D) that indicate where the following sentence could be added …



█ [A] Economic contact between Native Americans and Europeans can be traced back to the English and French fishermen off the coast of Canada in the 1500s. They traded guns and other weapons for beaver fur. █ [B] The first explorers to trade with the Native Americans were Giovanni da Verrazano and Jacques Cartier in the 1520s and 1530s. █ [C] In Verrazano’s book he notes, “If we wanted to trade with them for some of their things, they would come to the seashore on some rocks where the breakers were most violent while we remained on the little boat █ [D] and they sent us what they wanted to give on a rope, continually shouting to us not to approach the land.

Question: In the passage, there is a missing sentence. The paragraph shows four letters (A, B, C, and D) that indicate where the following sentence could be added.

Trade was difficult for the early Europeans trading with Native Americans during the first trades.



問題形式9. 要約問題


・Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage.






問題形式10. 表を埋める問題


・Select the appropriate phrases from the answer choices and match them to —– and ~~~~~ to which they relate.














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