【見出し選択】IELTSリーディング解き方の解説と練習 ③












  • コツ1. パッセージを読む前に問いのタイトルを確認する
  • コツ2. タイトルのキーワードに線を引く
  • コツ3. 1つパラグラフを読んだら、見出しを選択する
  • コツ4. 自信がないパラグラフは後から回答する
  • コツ5. トピックセンテンスだけを読んで回答しない
  • コツ6. パラグラフの展開をきちんと理解してから回答する
  • コツ7. 数値(i,ii,iii)が答えとなる場合が多いので注意する




Psychology and personality ASSESSMENT

  • Reading passage has seven paragraphs A-D.Choose the correct heading for each paragraph from the list of headings below.
  • Write the correct number i-iv in boxes 1-4 on your answer sheet.
  • A.
  • Our daily lives are largely made up of contacts with other people, during which we are constantly making judgments of their personalities and accommodating our behaviour to them in accordance with these judgments. A casual meeting of neighbours on the street, an employer giving instructions to an employee, a mother telling her children how to behave, a journey in a train where strangers eye one another without exchanging a word – all these involve mutual interpretations of personal qualities.
  • B.
  • Success in many vocations largely depends on skill in sizing up people. It is important not only to such professionals as the clinical psychologist, the psychiatrist or the social worker, but also to the doctor or lawyer in dealing with their clients, the businessman trying to outwit his rivals, the salesman with potential customers, the teacher with his pupils, not to speak of the pupils judging their teacher. Social life, indeed, would be impossible if we did not. to some extent, understand, and react to the motives and qualities of those we meet; and clearly we are sufficiently accurate for most practical purposes, although we also recognize that misinterpretations easily arise – particularly on the pare of others who judge us!
  • C.
  • Errors can often be corrected as we go along. But whenever we are pinned down to a definite decision about a person, which cannot easily be revised through his “feed-back,” the Inadequacies of our judgments become apparent. The hostess who wrongly thinks that the Smiths and the Joneses will get on well together can do little to retrieve the success of her party. A school or a business may be saddled for years with an undesirable member of staff, because the selection committee which interviewed him for a quarter of an hour misjudged his personality.
  • D.
  • Just because the process is so familiar and taken for granted, It has aroused little scientific curiosity until recently. Dramatists, writers and artists throughout the centuries have excelled in the portrayal of character, but have seldom stopped to ask how they, or we, get to know people, or how accurate is our knowledge. However, the popularity of such unscientific systems as Lavater’s physiognomy in the eighteenth century, Gall’s phrenology in the nineteenth, and of handwriting interpretations by graphologists, or palm- readings by Gypsies, show that people are aware of weaknesses in their judgments and desirous of better methods of diagnosis. It is natural that they should turn to psychology for help, in the belief that psychologists are specialists in “human nature.”
  • i. The consequences of poor personality assessment
  • ii. Everyone makes personality assessments
  • iii. Acknowledgement of the need for improvement in personality assessment
  • iv. The need for personality assessments to be well judged


  • 1. パラグラフA: ii
  • 2. パラグラフB: iv
  • 3. パラグラフC: i
  • 4. パラグラフD: iii



  • ii. Everyone makes personality assessments
  • パラフレーズ.
  • パラグラフA. Our daily lives are largely up of contacts with other people, during which we are constantly making judgments of their personalities and accommodating our behaviour to them in accordance with these judgments.
  • iv. The need for personality assessments to be well judged
  • パラフレーズ.
  • パラグラフB. It is important not only to such professionals as the clinical psychologist, the psychiatrist or the social worker, but also to the doctor or lawyer in dealing with their clients, the businessman trying to outwit his rivals, the salesman with potential customers, the teacher with his pupils, not to speak of the pupils judging their teacher. Social life, indeed, would be impossible if we did not
  • i. The consequences of poor personality assessment
  • パラフレーズ.
  • パラグラフC. Errors can often be corrected as we go along. But whenever we are pinned down to a definite decision about a person, which cannot easily be revised through his ‘feed-back’, the Inadequacies of our judgements become apparent.
  • iii. Acknowledgement of the need for improvement in personality assessment
  • パラフレーズ.
  • パラグラフD. show that people are aware of weaknesses in their judgments and desirous of better methods of diagnosis.








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